Tuesday, November 13, 2018

The Great CIT Candle Hunt

Click chart to enlarge    Jerry
Updated Feb 18th 2019   @jerryo1314

Is there a CIT candle?
I think there maybe and on my spread sheet I have it marked as “sell the next day”.
I now need to drill down and find out how I can spot one live.

I offer 3 dates to look at:
8-30-18, 10-2-18,11-8-18
Of these 3 dates I have found no pattern  C.D. or T.D. nor is it a delta color days pattern. This I know!
It is a 20 or less point range day.
Can’t be more than +/-  3 point from mid range H+L/2
No more than .097% from mid range to close.
Two days had 1 pt difference between open and close not sure if important.
There is a connection to the moon I believe needs more work.
I will think about this more and I am open to suggestions.

Jerry Nov.9th 2018

Great candles book: search the internet for "candlestick_patterns_trading_guide"  by
Think Markets.

NR 7 

I'm thinking it's more of a spinning TOP black or white but this what his site offers and 
StockCharts.com offers other examples.