Saturday, June 18, 2011

Not playing the upside.

If we do go up I will not be there. Holding bearish ETF's. The risk not getting in on the next drop.
Here we look at Equivolume and MACD volume. You will notice the last low in March we had an expansion but not the latest low, a contraction. Oex up% was weaker Friday than DOW or SPX not real bullish.

My Avanced Get chart has several scenarios, I laid out. The question in my mind is W3 done
or not? Well if it is and we attack w4 @1290 is not that big a deal. We take out wave 1 not expected.this is incorrect labeling -counting. I learned in Mar 2009 to stick with AGET not emotions.

.Why didn't I mention the 200 dma? I don't think it means much and who doesn't know the talking heads are saying major support.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Tuesday a GO GO day

The 14th did the turn.
Think Tuesday bullish at least at first.
The OEX was the strongest Index and I go with that.
Normally the vix+spx indicator calling for tomorrow down would carry more weight but that has only 70% strength