Wednesday, June 29, 2016

spx 2090

People who know me know I like 3 and 100
Advanced Get changed from a Wave 3 to a bullish wave C.
I should have said It yesterday it could change.
I look for 2090 either Ju 30th or July first.
"Nay Sayers" look at 2-11-16 a C wave.
We went from 1810 to 1930 in 3 td or 100+ pts
Gann angles loves it. 

 click to enlarge

Monday, June 27, 2016

Rally time

I have been pounding the table all day saying the market (SPX) is down but so is the  VIX.
NO one responded as if SO WHAT ?
Here is a chart to what I speak.
The green lines = SPX  and the red-black = VIX. When the VIX peaks like today but the SPX didn't turn up I expect a GAP higher in the SPX  and a meaning full rally.
click chart to enlarge.